Whenever you set out on a big road trip do you take care to plan the clothing, activities, daily driving time, etc or do you get into the car set a course and just start driving until you get too tired or you get to your destination? As a lover of travel, I’ve tried both ways. Can I share with you what I have learned? First both types of travel work as long as you follow a few guidelines. Top on the guideline list is having a plan. Whether super loose or every minute accounted for a plan is crucial to a good trip.
Recently we visited the Tetons with a very loose plan-to hike and to camp. We didn’t have the days fully planned out or the trails mapped. I actually did that in the car as my husband drove but I had a general idea of what we wanted to do. I wanted a wildflower hike and my son wanted a long hike. Both hikes were fulfilled and all who came along for the ride became fitter, sorer and saw some of the most amazing vistas that this nation has to offer. Summer in the Tetons is breathtakingly gorgeous!
This loose planning worked for us because we had an idea with willing participants who wanted to see beauty and/or prove to themselves that they could do hard things (two steep hikes). Planning is what helps us to set a proper course and a proper course is exactly what is needed to fulfill the missions we’ve been given in this life.