Author: Charity Garza

Principles, Principles, Principles

“Let’s start at the very beginning. It’s a very good place to start[1].” What is a principle? According to the Oxford English Dictionary a principle is defined as “a fundamental truth or law; motive force.” Isn’t that a great definition? A truth that causes a person, an organization, anything-to move. Think action! Principles are often action oriented, truths that involve action.

Why are principles important? Principles are what we strive to base our lives after. When we follow correct principles we are much happier and happy people lead to happy lives, which lead to happy communities, a happy nation, a happy world. Why? Well, because we are seeking out that which is good[2]. When we follow eternal principles (truths that are true in all situations) we are saying that we want to live an honest, productive life that blesses our homes & all others. A principled life leads to true joy because when we follow truth (principles) the heavens cannot help but bless us & when we live a life of truth we find an inner peace, joy & resolve we wouldn’t otherwise find. Essentially light (eternal principles) builds off of light and the more principles we follow the more we find. The opposite is true too. (Think equal and opposite principle). The more darkness we seek after the more darkness we find. Which one do you want? Light or darkness?

What I like to call eternal principles go naturally along with living a principled life. Isn’t that what we are searching for? True joy, peace, resolve? How about courage, faithfulness, service, friendship, the list goes on. Think of all that is good.

For example, I have a friend who works 12-14 hours a day to promote the cause of liberty, another principle. What does she gain from this? Well, true friends, loss of sleep, battles over what is right, truth. I’d venture to say that she is uncomfortable often but in her discomfort she seeks the principle of freedom. She is willing to feel pain so that she can find true joy for herself, her family, friends, community, nation, and world. What about you? What principles are you seeking out today?






[1] Sound of Music

[2] Galatians 5:22-23

Praising God & Marriage

I’ve yet to meet anyone whose life has gone perfectly at all times. It can be rough but mostly life is real, very real. At times when life is more real than we could have imagined there is a way to move forward and see through the chaos. My friend, Kim Simmerman, speaks to just that. It’s called Praising God and through it miracles occur that you never would have imagined. See you inside!

Show notes: “Broken” by Kenneth Cope

The Body is Light

Have you ever noticed when a person’s eyes light up? What about when you feel light & full of life? Today’s podcast covers just that-our amazing bodies, the principle of creation & light! Join us as Kelle shares the knowledge she has learned from studying a millennia old practice that still applies so much today.

A Quiet Mind

In this busy world it is so important to take time to quiet the mind, to meditate and recenter. Brenda, Nathan and Charity share some great reasons and ways to once again find solace. Come join as we explore the truth of a quiet mind. Try it and see how much more you can live a fulfilled life.

Using Your Words Wisely

Have you ever considered the power of your words? Today’s show delves into the literal power that words hold both on the person saying them as well as the person receiving them & what can be done to be more purposeful in everything that comes out of our mouths. Charity and Angela share some fantastic ideas as well as insights as to why our words are so important.  Each word can be used for building up or tearing down. Where are your words taking you?

Heroes who show Love and Compassion

Have you ever met a hero? What character traits did that person exemplify? Were they famous or just someone from your everyday life? We have found that many heroes who we have come in contact with were your ordinary person doing extraordinary things. Come listen to the Houston floods, Joan of Arc’s courage, Nathan Hale’s famous words and much more and then tell us the heroes who you have seen.

A Rose Made of Galaxies

We all need some perspective in our lives.  Join Charity and Brian as they discuss the Hubble space telescope, roses made of galaxies and how to get some perspective and joy!

Show notes:

For a beautiful picture of a Rose Made of Galaxies from NASA check this out

Functional Thread

Meet the Scotts! A family tradition of designing new things has led to the creation of a new family business with innovative products. They came up with the concept of having a spot to hold your credit card, notecard, pen, cash-any of the above in the back of a tie. Less hassle, more room for carrying and thus Functional Thread came to life. The ties created are amazing and functional and look great! These youth have been bringing their ties to shows and are moving to put them into store fronts. Check them out at:

Loving Your Neighbor

Most of us have them. We see them, we wave, we say hello but how many of us actually know what it means to be a good neighbor?  Come join Shauna and Charity as they discuss the merits of neighbors and how to make your neighborhood great! Children, adults, babies….it’s all here.