Oh gee, Wes is out of a job again, for lack of transportation to and from the job. Oh gee, now what’ll we do! Won’t we ever get a break that will get us going? I”m beginning to feel licked-but I musn’t let myself get discouraged. Wes feels bad enough about it all and rubbing it in doesn’t do a bit of good.
I took Billy down to Dr Walders to have the stitches removed this afternoon, but a scab had formed so dr asked us to return Wednesday or Thursday. Billy was terribly frightened but very quiet while in the waiting room. We walked to Penny’s to get shoes but he refused to try them on. When we returned to the doctors office, I managed to find out Billy’s weight (29 lbs) by weighing us together, then having the doctor hold Billy and weighing me alone. That brought as much protest as an operation. I weigh 103 lbs, much less than I had thought.
-Albina Banks