Today’s youth are amazing! The ideas they form as they study great men and women in history and then bring the lessons they learn into today’s world and challenges often leaves me breathless with excitement for this next generation. Curious what I mean? Come and read some of what they have written. Truly this world has great cause for hope as they crystallize the lessons of all of our history.
Want an example? Keep reading.
Find your Noble Cause - William, age 17 There are countless heroes from the past, many known and even more unknown, who lived for a greater cause than themselves. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was one of these men. His name has gone down in history because of his courageous actions in the Battle of Gettysburg when his heroic words rang out...
Read more »Courage - Sean, age 16 There are many stories of hardships during World War II, and they often include people who rebelled against the regime or occupation in their country. Most of these stories end in the character getting sent to a concentration camp, which is usually the hardest part. All these multitudes of people – both...
Read more »Encryption in WWII - Miriam, age 16 Communication is critical in war. Without accurate correspondence, attacks are uncoordinated, retreats are disorganized, and sometimes allies even attack each other, believing that their own army is the enemy. That being said, no communication can sometimes be better than insecure communication. When your enemy can read your messages, they can know your...
Read more »Finding Yourself During Your Journey - Tylan, Age 18 While we have lived, we all, at some point, have wanted to go somewhere and to get there, we would need to go on a journey. This doesn’t always mean a physical journey, this could be any journey. Some of the biggest journeys are ones other people can’t see and don’t know...
Read more »INSPIRED TO GREATNESS - Kathryn, age 16 “There she goes!” someone called out. The men stood and stared as their ship sank into the icy sea. For a brief moment there was a hole where it had been but soon the ice filled the gap and the ship was gone. Now the men who had been in the ship were...
Read more »On Courage - Heidi, age 15 Courage is a journey, not a moment. Some people call it the Hero’s Journey. The reason I am writing this paper for your age group is because you are on a journey of your own, and you will need courage to help you through it. Not to say that you don’t have...
Read more »Bringing In The Good - Jeremiah, age 16 Throughout life, everyone comes up with multitudes of personal goals. These goals range in all shapes and sizes, but they all ultimately do one thing: they focus on self-improvement. From my experience, goals try to do this in one of two ways. Either they concentrate on removing something bad from your life...
Read more »THE DESTINATION - THE DESTINATION. Christian, age 15 Is murder excusable? Is stealing? Is lying? History is littered with stories of excusing the means because of the end result. Claiming that as long as there is a right and correct goal, the way, and means by which we achieve that goal is of no importance. History is also...
Read more »Religious Freedom in Schools - Jeremiah, age 16 Religious freedom is a very controversial thing. On the one hand, it is important to preserve, to make sure everyone can worship what and how they want. On the other, it shouldn’t be mandated what religion one must belong to, or what religions are and aren’t allowed to do. The other big...
Read more »“Are we of the number, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?”…-Patrick Henry - To the readers and researchers everywhere. … And how not seeing, and not hearing, lead to “chains of bondage”. By Heather I have a considerable opinion that in today’s world there have been many people who choose to not hear or see important things going on in the world. Some people do but I am...
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